5 tips Before Getting Your First Tattoo
So you’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while and you’ve decided you’re going to go for it! Picking out the perfect first tattoo design can be an exhilarating feeling. While many envision one’s first experience “under the gun” to be spontaneous, getting your first tattoo is actually a pretty big decision – and one that shouldn’t be made lightly. After all, it’s going to be with you forever!
Keep these five tips in mind when planning out your first tattoo:
Do your research
It’s important to do your due diligence before getting your first tattoo. First, be sure to pick a tattoo shop and artist that you trust to be clean and professional. It’s not uncommon to arrange a meet-n-greet with artists beforehand to be sure you’ve chosen the one that’s right for you – and don’t be afraid to bring any questions you may have with you! Especially if you’re seeking something specific, such as fine lines or portraits, which take a certain skillset. Each type of tattoo varies, and so does the artist. Take your time when deciding where to go.
It’s also important to do your research on the type of tattoo you want. You may have decided on a certain symbol that you think means one thing, but can actually represent something else. If you’re getting a tattoo in a different language, be sure to triple check the spelling and grammar. In addition to the specifics, like symbols and spelling, it’s also important to remember that certain types of tattoos can also fade or lose pigment over time. It’s essential to understand how your tattoo might change when choosing a design and artist.
Cost and time can be a factor as well. Make sure you know how much your tattoo is going to cost in advance – and how many sessions it might take to complete it.
Take your time
You may already know what design you want for your first tattoo. Or maybe you need some time to think it over. Either way, take a few weeks after making the big decision and reflect on the tattoo you’ve chosen. If you’re still just as excited about the idea a month later, then go ahead and make the appointment. If you’ve decided that maybe it’s not right after all – no harm in waiting a little bit longer and exploring other options. And while it’s not a necessity, the more personal connection you have to a tattoo, the more likely you are to love it forever.
Ask your friends or tattoo artist
Speaking of choosing a design – flirt the idea around with your friends or even your artist after you’ve come up with your idea. They may have insights that could sway your decision. For example, they may remind you that the Buddha tattoo you’ve chosen is offensive to certain cultures. Talking through your tattoo with others may also help you brainstorm and expand on your chosen design. While you (and only you) have to love your tattoo, it doesn’t hurt to run your new decision by the people who know you best!
Consider placement and size
So you’ve done your research, picked an artist, and decided on a design. Now it’s time to consider how large you want your tattoo – and where it should go. Be sure to think about the future: Are you going to be applying for jobs where you can’t have an arm sleeve? Will getting a tattoo on your stomach look great now – but not so much as you get older? Are you always going to want to look at your tattoo, or would you rather it be somewhere you didn’t have to see it all the time? These factors – among others – are all important to consider.
Size is as equally as important as location. Once you’ve picked a spot, consider how large the area is and what your design will look like when complete. First consider a smaller version of your design and try to envision it. Then, go larger if you’d like.
Your artist can also help you envision your tattoo by mocking up the design and placing it in the location and size you’ve chosen. If you’ve decided it isn’t right and adjustments need to be made – voice your concerns and walk through it together.
Bring a friend along to your first Tattoo Appointment
The day has arrived, and you’re off to get your very first ink! Grab a friend to tag along. If you’ve chosen an area that may be a little painful, you’ll want to have someone there to talk you through it. If you’re going to be there for a few hours, it’s good to have them to keep you occupied. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have another point of view to take a look at the design placement before it’s permanent, and make sure it’s is exactly where you want it.
Ready to get your first tattoo?
Check out Drawing Board Tattoo Co. located in Asheville, NC. This trusted tattoo shop features all women tattoo artists with 15+ years of combined experience. Let them help bring your idea to life!
Check out our instagram post of our studio located in West Asheville.
By: Cara Jo Swetsky